The Councillor responsible Locutorios Control Primitivo Gonzalez yesterday held a meeting with the owners of the thirteen existing call centers in Jumilla, one of which is closed and twelve are open.
As González forward in recent days have made the appropriate inspections by technicians Control Committee constituted for this purpose.
This committee has issued a report which details the status of each and every one of them.
According to González said "four of them are licensed before the entry into force of the ordinance which now have to do an adaptation and the rest must also perform various renovations."
For it has been established within approximately one month for all call centers to conduct various adaptations of "those who do not will be forced to close until they meet the minimum requirements as a public service establishment."
As the requirements have been transferred to the owners is that all the booths have at least the conditions of other public facilities, or with easy access, fire precautions, safety measures with extractions odors, and at least one cabin is wheelchair accessible booths.
Another will come up a few changes to the ordinance in a manner that matches those in the Region of Murcia "ours was one of the first launched in the region, we had a situation of more than 50 booths, so had to take restrictive measures that some even sold as pharmaceuticals and food, so we had to take appropriate action. "
As is known, the situation of the parlors in Jumilla generated some controversy in recent weeks.
Specifically two owners raised their problems and are taking steps to regularize the situation of all.
Following the establishment of a Commission of Control of shops, comprising activities desk technicians, technicians for the Environment and Public Works and police officers, they have carried out the inspection of existing call centers in Jumilla.
The Councillor responsible for monitoring call centers insisted that "the fact of having no business license, no pay means no light or water, or garbage, or who do not pay municipal taxes under, and that not discharged from Social Security or Finance a business, all of these requirements are met, what they lack is the municipal operating license for lack of adaptation to the Ordinance. "
Finally, he indicated that "the goal is to put all the booths in order and the need to close, as close and fulfilling all the requirements will remain open."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla