Last Friday, gave the Young Artist Awards in its eleventh edition.
The event, held in the classroom culture Cajamurcia, attended by hundreds of people, as well as various authorities, including the Mayor of Jumilla Francisco Abellán and Youth Councilman José Luis Monreal.
The event was presented by broadcaster Antena Cope Young Antonio Munuera.
Monroe has made an assessment "very positive this year, the high turnout, which indicates the great concern of the youth of Jumilla and also has made a new logo for this council, with an image created by young people themselves."
Councilman Young also pointed out the prizes awarded in this call, "whose economic value helps winners and artistic development of that commitment."
As for the awards, in the form of logo, the first award went to Francisco José Lencina work 'Green', the second corresponded to Roberto Perez with 'Life' and the third for Carlos A.
Villa with 'Benesgo'.
On billboards, and in the category A, the first prize went to Maria Elena Carrillo 'Imagine a Better World', the second was awarded to Irene Verdú work entitled 'Expansion of Joy' and the third for the work 'Provoking night 'by Maria Soledad Perez.
In category B, the first prize went to 'experience' of Francisco Javier Martinez, the second was for Antonio Valero with 'Reality Multicolor' and the third for Veronica Alexandra Pines with the work 'Merge I'.
In Visual Arts category, first prize Ortuño Maria Concepcion got to work 'Skate Park Jumilla', the second was for Minerva Lopez with the play "The Night of a dream 'and the third for Miguel Angel Lozano with' The Jumilla woman. "
In category B, first prize was awarded to Ana María Abellán with the work 'Pomme', the second to Ivan Lucas 'Seasonal Change in the areas of Jumilla' and third place went to Maria Luisa Olivares with 'Muxica'.
And in listening mode, the first prize fu for 'Life' of Naomi Espinosa, one for the job 'Lauh and Kash' by Miguel Angel Martínez and the third for 'Erotic Heroine' by Ignacio Azorín.
In literature, Category A, first place went to Antonio José Ochoa with 'The mysterious shadow of feeling', the second to Cristina Martinez with 'I want to write a love story' and the third for 'The Cat's Meow' in Yaiza García.
In category B, the jury awarded first prize for the work Lucas Martinez 'Searching the Reaper', the second to Jose Manuel Olivares work 'Three lies and doubt' and the third to Jaime Sanchez 'The canoros Echo. "
Finally, Photography in category A, the first prize Javier Martinez did the work 'Storm Aires', the second María Dolores Martinez with' Malaxofobia 'and the third work Nuria Jiménez' pries the moment. "
In category B, first prize was awarded to Miriam Ruiz with 'Bathtime', the second to Antonio López with 'Autumn' and the third to Mary Moreno with the work titled 'Snowy Path. "
This call occurred about 200 jobs in its various forms, a figure higher than last year's ceremony.
Of these works, 112 were present in the photographic, 33 in the Posters section, 22 papers were presented in the form of Art, 11 works were the section of Literature and 3 in Music.
In the form of logo, which was new in this edition, a total of 19 proposals.
Three awards were handed out for each category, the first of 300 euros, the second worth 180 euros and the third with 90 euros, making a total of nearly 6,000 euros.
The jury was composed, the modalities of Plastic Arts, Photography, Posters and Logo by Bartolomé Medina Abellán, IES Arzobispo Lozano, Francisco Jiménez Simon of Santa Ana College, Maria Dolores Gil Cruz center Thomas Stone and Andrew Carlos Lopez of IES Infanta Elena.
In the Music section, members of the jury were Jesus Hernandez and Miriam Pascual Muñoz IES Arzobispo Lozano, Antonio Abarca and Tania Pérez del IES Infanta Elena, María Francisca José Luis Soriano Matthew and the Cruz de Piedra and Francisca Lozano and Maria Pla Santa Ana College
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla