The three municipal groups in the municipality of Jumilla have filed a joint motion to be debated at the February regular full in support of the industry nuts.
Among other things, will apply to both the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water of Murcia to maintain the current complement of Community aid to the surface for nuts.
In the text of the motion argued that the area of nuts is back at the crossroads of deciding what will be its future in the coming years, following the recent adoption of so-called health check of the Common Agricultural Policy European Union, which stipulates that the aid provided through the surface of the nuts that currently exist will be issued by Member States to farmers in the sector, according to objective and non discriminatory criteria, taking into account especially the support that those farmers received, directly or indirectly under the relevant support schemes for one or more years in the period 2005-2008.
Community support attached to the surface, a system that has allowed the maintenance and improvement of the sector, will thus become a single payment from 2012, according to the decision of the Spanish State.
However, the regulation (EC) 73/2009 provides for himself that may still be completed by Member States that aid, with the corresponding national aid, even where the Community assistance go to payment.
Given the price situation that comes across the sector, helping nuts remains essential for the survival of it.
And that Community aid is finally going to be decoupled, it is necessary to get the firmest commitment of all authorities involved, that is going to keep state aid linked to the surface, both the State contribution, as the contribution of Communities autonomous.
But also it is absolutely imperative to adopt a package of measures to improve the sector's competitiveness and productive capacity to meet part of global demand, particularly from the point of view of production quality.
Therefore, it is proposed to the Plenary Council adopt the following resolutions: Request both the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water of Murcia to maintain the current complement of Community aid to the surface to nuts.
In this sense, it is vital to maintain a differentiated support to professional farmers as it is today; Order both the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water of Murcia to launch a recovery plan State plantations for starting nuts and planting of new varieties, in order to modernize the productive structures and renew those varieties are unsuited to the demands of consumers; Suing the various competent authorities to fully control the volume and quality health imports, as well as mixtures of state product imported through the control of the vital need for traceability and labeling and sue the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs as the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Murcia that these figures strongly support the protection of the quality of Spanish products, in general, or by indications of quality of production areas particularly in the context of the need to focus on quality and differentiation of nuts the State to the production of third countries.
Furthermore, the motion to require the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs as the Ministry of Agriculture and Water of Murcia to boost research in both fields of production, Assisi and in the processing, marketing and the improving the quality of the products with the participation of the sector; Order both the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water of Murcia to continue supporting the work of those organizations that are demonstrating Producers are involved in defending the interests of farmers and improving the competitiveness of our productions, developing the necessary mechanisms to differentiate the aid organizations of producers according to the degree of commitment and transfer this agreement to Elena Espinosa Mangana, Minister Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso, President of the Regional Government and the Minister of Agriculture and Water, Antonio Cerda and Regional Parliamentary Groups and the Spanish State Parliament.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla