Last Monday was held an extraordinary plenary session in the City Council to approve Jumilla claims information to the study of the highway north.
These claims were approved unanimously and will be transferred to the Ministry of Public Works and Planning.
The plenum was attended by a representative of neighbors who are affected by this path.
In its submissions to the study report of the highway north of the Region of Murcia Jumilla-Calasparra section is to apply the offset of the layout of the road to the north, so the path that runs parallel to the ring either performed by splitting it, as advised in the report of the Environment and the Municipal Archaeologist, in order to safeguard the protection area of monastic Set BIC Santa Ana, and the BIC of the archaeological site of Coimbra Barranco Ancho, and the visual environment of both BIC.
Similarly, the plenary approved stating that "the City Council considers the proposal environmentally viable path selected in the study reported from about 138 PK PK 144 +750 to +500, ie from the area known as La Punta to the end of the section proposed in the town of Jumilla, in accordance with the report issued by the Chief of Environment, Forest Engineer and Local Development Agent. "
You can enter as arguments passed to the reported study of the Northern Highway, the Guidance Document for Planning and Spatial Development Plan of the District of Highlands, which includes the proposal of the Cerro de Santa Ana as an area of high landscape value and also proposes the widening of the C-3314, and the highway connecting the Jumilla-Venta del Olivo Jumilla ring by the N-344, until it joins the A-33.
In another of the states that will be asked to be taken into account in the study reported the Highway, the Industrial unsectorised developable land located on either side of the Marble Industrial Park, which is defined as a the "structural determinations and performance management of the Zone VI with a strategic nature", the Guidelines for Planning and Spatial Development Plan Industrial Land in the Region of Murcia, Jumilla for Subzone, and should integrate not only the path to service the already classified as Urban Land, but also schedules and give developers according to the guidelines mentioned above increased importance as a service area of the highway, according to the report issued by the Head of Works and Technical Services Urbanism December 2, 2009.
And finally to be taken into account in the study reported the Highway, the road link sector of the Partial Plan "Santa Ana del Monte Jumilla Golf" with the N-344, set by the State Highway Demarcation of According to the report issued by the Head of Service of Public Works and Urbanism of December 2, 2009.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla