Following the conclusion of the offering of flowers to the patron saint of Jumilla, took place on Friday 14 August, the official opening of Moro and Christian Camp of the Association of Moors and Christians Don Pedro I.
Located in the Paseo Poet Lorenzo Guardiola and it will develop coexistence days during these days of fair.
The inauguration took place in the presence of representatives of various groups festive, and various authorities.
At the end of the ceremony, they shared a wine of honor at this facility.
At this time, several activities will star in the Moors and Christians, among the most prominent Christian and Mora Tickets, Sunday 16 and Monday 17 respectively.
These days, festive music, color and smell of gunpowder will flood the streets of Jumilla and will delight all those who go to watch the parades.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla