Portal de Jumilla


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The mayor receives Jumillano two cyclists who have won a medal at the championships in Spain (11/08/2009)

Recently the mayor of Jumilla Francisco Abellán received the two cyclists Jumillano who got several medals in the Track Championship in Spain.

This is Gemma Aitor Jiménez and Castelo.

Francisco Abellán Jumillano athletes congratulated for these accomplishments and committed them to promoting the construction of the velodrome in La Estacada.

The Track Championships in Spain was held at the Velodrome Luis Puig in Valencia.

In this competition, Aitor Jiménez won the bronze medal in the 500 meters test held during the first day.

For its part, Gemma Castelo hung two silver medals in both team events.

The first was won by the second day in team sprint and second in the team pursuit on the third day.

Aitor Jiménez is participating now in the XXVI Aragon Tour which lasts until Tuesday 11 August.

Similarly, after the said tournament, Gemma Castelo participated in the third round of the Cup of Spain in Burgos, an individual.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla

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