La Peña Jumilla The embankment will be organizing for this upcoming Harvest Festival of the First National Competition Guidelines Monastrell grape, with the aim of promoting acts that the Federation of Peñas organized within the celebrations, as reported in a press release.
The contest will take place on Monday 17 August from 18.00 in the Paseo Poet Lorenzo Guardiola.
In this place there shall be a zone where the test will be developed, making this a festival of tasting of typical products in addition Jumilla wines.
"This contest is intended to be quite an event as it will be one of the great innovations of the 38th edition of the Harvest Festival and it is here to make a poster, indicate from this rock.
Both the contest and the poster will be presented officially in August.
The deadline for registration to participate in this competition is now open and it will remain until the day of the event.
To this end, all parties must register via the website, where you can also consult the terms of this first contest.
The grape, to be launched with the mouth, will be limited only to the variety Monastrell and should be as 'painted'.
The launching point of the grain is made from within a barrel cut in half.
In this competition has established three categories mixed: Children, Youth and Absolute.
Since the 'lanzaor' from the cask until the time of release of grape, system should not take more than a minute.
The distance obtained with the release will be when the grape stops at a fixed point.
Each contestant in this contest will have two releases.
Contact Number 669812145 (Antonio Valero)
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla