With the completion of a completed environmental workshops in Jumilla, the activities to mark the World Environment Day.
In these workshops attended by the Councillor for Environment and Abellán Francisco mayor who said in his speech that "we celebrate an important day for awareness in the world for the preservation of the natural elements."
The mayor was accompanied by the manager of Aguas de Jumilla and several technicians from the Department of Environment.
In these workshops the two schools took part in Jumilla, sampling technology works.
Abellán highlighted the work of the Department of Environment, organization and development of these activities, which have been sponsored by Aguas de Jumilla and collaboration of CAM and numerous groups and associations, and stated that "with these activities contributes the collective consciousness and from the authorities we will be willing to work to continue with that policy. "
The mayor noted that the importance of this day lies in the aim of "raising awareness in the world for the preservation of the natural elements of ecosystems, environments and environment in general is wealth, welfare and security for future generations. "
Francisco Abellán also said that "it is necessary to change the production model, and globalization that has led to an economic crisis makes us think that it is possible to produce and create wealth but also respecting the environment, using and exploiting natural resources optimizing their benefit. "
Abellán policy referred to in the European Union, USA and Spain's own policy, which increasingly is affecting the need to invest in the use of clean, green alternatives such as wind and solar. "
. Prior to these workshops were different activities, like a visit to the recycling of glass Caudete, Joaquín Araujo a talk on "Why we must preserve the environment", visits to the Hoya de la Sima and mines Celia and a concert by the hand of the Association Friends of Music Jumillano entitled "Music for the Planet"
Conferences were also held the hand of 4 feet and Juncellus Association.
The first organization directed his lecture, entitled "In Search of a second chance", a fifth-grade students from four schools in the town, while Juncellus talk entitled "Juncellus, 23 years defending the Environment in Jumilla" was open to the public, the two organizations trying to raise public awareness about the importance of conserving the natural environment and respect animals by defending their rights.
Finally, there was a storyteller "The Green Goblin" and the group Hinneni gave a talk on "The sport of adventure and the Environment" with the screening of two documentaries.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla