The head of the Bureau of Immigration Unique in the Region of Murcia, Jumilla Fulgencio Puche visited and held a meeting with various political leaders to report on immigration issues and actions.
He was received by the Mayor of Jumilla, Francisco Abellán and several councilors.
According Fulgencio Puche "70% of the budget spent on immigration Regional Government is transferred from the Central Government, and in turn this is passed by 40% to municipalities.
This meeting discussed the different activities that are undertaken in Jumilla in relation to immigration, where several data were presented, emphasizing mainly that 80% of farmers in the Region of Murcia are immigrants.
For his part, Councillor for Social Policy, that "one of the objectives of the visit was to improve even more, relations between the Single Desk for Immigration of the Region of Murcia and the technical staff at City Hall this area Jumilla.
Gomez said that "today the relations are delicious and this is important and has allowed us to work on various programs such as the restructuring of distressed areas, through a grant of 180,000 euros, the rehabilitation of the Home for Immigrants, by an amount of 80,526 euros, the equipment of this house, for 10,412 euros, and the flag of showers and the host program and educational support for a total of 340,609 euros. "
Abellán Francisco Mayor stated that "these programs our intention is to undertake a policy of integration which is fundamental, a policy of reintegration that are necessary to ensure better relations among all and give equal opportunities to all people" and added that although the money comes from the Autonomous Community, in fact this comes from the Ministry of Labour, and European Funds.
"When Jumilla get that money, we have the recommendation used in full for the care of immigrants and social reintegration policies and integration.
It is also important that the Jumillano know that this money is given to immigrants to the detriment of the citizen. "
For its part, Fulgencio Puche, calling the relationship between Jumilla and the Single Desk Aliens in the Region of Murcia as extraordinary.
"The City of Jumilla is doing some work incalculable in terms of integrating immigrants.
This, like all other municipalities, working with the Office of Foreign Single at two levels: one is the collaboration and control of migration flows and the other is through collaboration with the actual task of integration of immigrants "said Puche, who also noted that the City Council of Jumilla are made, to the satisfaction, reports to be carried out on immigrants who after three years in Spain still have not managed to regularize their status, and reports necessary for made family reunification after a stay in Spain more than a year.
"In the Region of Murcia, and especially in Jumilla, have a higher percentage of immigrants in general scheme linked to work.
These immigrants have come to work because it is necessary "was one of the data provided Fulgencio Puche during his visit and, after a study from the University of Murcia, has concluded that immigrants in the Region Murcia not compete in the workplace, with the originating site.
Finally, the head of the Single Desk Aliens noted that 80% of agricultural workers in the region are immigrants.
"This is a source of enrichment and is fundamental to the economic development of the Region of Murcia and especially the town of Jumilla, Puche said, explaining further that in the region has gone from having a 2% to 13 % of immigrants in the last ten years.
Moreover, the head of the Foreign Office Single reported that 70% of the budget that is spent in the region of Murcia on integration of immigrants coming from Central Government, of which 40% must reach local, recalling this background, the latest year in which the Central Government was under the rule of the Partido Popular, was 400,000 euros, while this year will be around 12.4 million euros, representing an increase of 2,171%.
Finally, Fulgencio Puche said that immigrant workers discharged from Social Security, 47% regionally and 55% at local level, working in agriculture.
"This shows that in our region, the agricultural sector is of great importance."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla