The councilman of Social Policy Mariana Gomez, accompanied by the nurse and Red Cross monitor Rafael Valero, presented the workshops Sitting dependents will be developed in Jumilla along this year.
The first one begins on 24 March, are free and registration must be made to the Local Red Cross before the 23rd.
Mariana Gomez said that "with these workshops is to help the development of the Law Unit and train people who care for dependents so that they have a decent quality of life."
Last year was a workshop of this kind was attended by about 80 people, "in fact the participants asked us for more courses and more extensive, hence this year we have scheduled three workshops," said Gómez.
The first workshop will consist of 15 hours and will be held on 24, 25 and 26, 30 and March 31, at 3 hours a day in 16:30 to 19:30 h.
You can issue a certificate of attendance.
This workshop will be taught basic knowledge about the care of these dependents will be open to any other topic that demand the caregivers themselves.
Rafael Valero reported "the intention is to be interactive workshops, get people involved and discuss your needs."
Valero added that "the experience of the past year, caregivers know perfectly meet your family, however, have doubts about the disease and its development, ie what is going to find tomorrow."
The monitor has reported on the contents of this initial workshop.
The different sessions will discuss the diseases, issues and reforms that must be done at home, prevention of ulcers, how to assemble wheelchairs and how to move the dependent, among other things.
Future workshops are planned before the following summer and one in September or October, said the councilman of Social Policy.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla