The Nov. 27 began in Jumilla a course on "Family School 'attended by around 40 people.
This is an activity organized by the Department of Social Policy and its director believes that "it is very important to know the cycle of families, as it evolves, the problems with which you can find in order to enhance the binding of the same and work of any difficulty in the family. "
The course is being taught by the instructor Maria Fernanda Rull, social workers and experts in family matters, which has carried out other 'Schools Family' in Jumilla.
Is part of the Municipal Plan for the Prevention of Drug Addiction and developed at the Center for Women located in Granary Street 2.
Classes are held Mondays from 4:00 to 20:00, with two groups of two hours each.
In total there will be ten sessions of two hours, which lasts until mid-January
In terms of content, such topics as the life cycle of the family, family communication, family activities, nonverbal communication within the family, family boundaries, responsibilities and developmental stages in childhood, among others.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla. Foto: Siete Días Jumilla