Last Monday was held the Board of Directors of Aguas de Jumilla Society.
This meeting is held quarterly and on this occasion was attended by Mayor Francisco Abellán, as president of the society, the spokespersons of the local PSOE and IU and four representatives of the private partner AQUAGEST Murcia.
In this Council released the results to 31 December 2007 and involving a profit of 234,341 euros, whose distribution is 51% for municipal coffers (107,562 euros) and private shareholders 49%, which represents 103 344 euros.
These benefits will be reinvested in service improvements, both water and sewer.
In this meeting also discussed the possibility of extending the object of Aguas de Jumilla to include services such as cleaning public schools, cleaning and garden irrigation management, water treatment and the two swimming pools and signs under public roads.
This issue was on the table, in the absence of the spokesman of the PP and the interest of the rest of the council for this extension is approved unanimously by all.
This matter will resume at an extraordinary council.
You agreed to appoint the new Secretary of the Board, a position that falls on the new secretary Beatriz Selma City Council and the appointment of new Economic Advisory incumbent upon the person of Antonio Francisco García González Auditor.
Another approved unanimously by the attendees, was referred to the hiring of internal instructions Aguas de Jumilla, which were adapted to the new Law on Public Administration contracts which came into force last May 2 and directly affect this society, "as they are mostly publicly owned," said Socialist Party spokesman said Jesus Sanchez.
The aim is to guarantee even more publicity, competition, transparency and fairness in contracts that do this type of commercial companies, "said Sanchez.
Finally, it was a request from the Minister José Antonio Pérez Martínez, reports the company Aguas de Jumilla regarding partial plans unsectorised developable land.
In this sense, "the company is committed to working closely together on the Segura River Basin Authority and representatives of civic groups," said Socialist spokesman.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla