The organization 'The One Minutes Foundation' has selected a video of the young Jumillano Lencina Francisco Sánchez to take part in a cultural event of the Beijing Olympics.
The video is called "Forgotten" and is one of 12 selected from across Spain.
The work was presented at 'The One Minutes Foundation', a foundation based in Amsterdam (Netherlands) and chosen videos from almost 100 countries around the world to project in Beijing this summer, as reported by Francis himself Lencina.
6 to 28 June, the entire exhibition space of the "Today Art Museum in Beijing (an area of 3000 square meters), will be filled with the best work of this foundation.
According to the young Jumillano this video was a work that introduced the subject 'Audiovisual I of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia. "
"The teacher of this subject collected all the work of the 30 students in class and submitted to 'The One Minutes Foundation', a body that ultimately chose 12 works in Spain," said Lenci.
As for the work, the author suggests "that video is not dedicated to the Olympic Games sport, but are all sorts of issues, rather focusing on contemporary art videos."
Concerning the Work selected 'Forgotten' is 3 minutes long but this contest had to be reduced to one minute.
The video is divided into 3 parts of 1 minute each and Francisco Lencina chose the first for the final video.
"Each party in turn are two sides, one in normal position and the other upside down.
Every 30 seconds speaking part of the face, "Lenci said, adding that" the funny video, in addition to the complication, is speech.
This language is characterized as the reverse of the recording is, I had to write and read the text meant backwards.
For example if I wanted to say 'old', I had to give 'ojeiv', ie the reverse. "
The young artist adds that "taking this already, just had to use video editing program to reverse the audio and video, so more or less understand what is spoken.
Thus in three parts, distinguished by a different color type. "
Lencina Francisco added that in the second part has worked Martín Martínez Lencina.
As for the issue, Francisco Lenci said, "This work is about what we can feel alone sometimes, of the" forgotten "that we seem to others (friends, family, etc ...).
One half of us seem to want to hide or get away, but fortunately the other helps us to overcome. "
Finally, Lencina expressed "the pride of representing this cultural event in Spain and a personal satisfaction as a student of Fine Arts to have a one-act play is as important as this.
Although the video is not the branch on which devote think in the future, but in the design, never close my doors to another type of production in my work. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla