Friday, Jumilla becomes headquarters Cycle Gas Natural Fenosa mobile cinema with the screening of the film winning four Goya, El Niño Awards.
In addition, one of the stars of the film, Mariam Bachir, and the appointment will be in charge of presenting the thriller.
It will be from 22:00 in the Plaza de La Glorieta with free entrance until full capacity 600 spaces provided.
If weather conditions prevented the projection would be moved to Vico Theatre.
The event was presented this morning at the Teatro Vico precisely by the Councillor for Culture, Maria Pilar Martínez, treasurer and Interior Film Club, Ana Ortiz.
It is an initiative of the Film Academy jointly promoted by Gas Natural Fenosa and aims to bring the cinema to cities where there are no longer theaters.
This is the third year that the cycle will visit a total of eight cities scattered throughout the Spanish geography is performed.
In the press conference this morning has also introduced the so-called film series in Santa Maria, who comes to the continuation of what was done in the Castle, changing the location of the Piazza Santa Maria in order to: "bring it closer to the citizens and give more activity to the old town of Jumilla," stated Maria Pilar Martinez.
The cycle starts Friday July 31 with the screening of 'The Quiet Man' and will run until September 18.
The schedule for the months of July and August is 22.00, while in September it will be brought forward half an hour.
On August 7 will be starring in the western "A Fistful of Dollars', on 28 August will see 'The Great Dictator', September 4 'The Picture of Dorian Gray', to close with 'The Hustler' the Friday 18.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla