The extraordinary plenary session yesterday was intended solely to resolve the situation created by the Popular Party to leave the budget of celebrations in the red, thus preventing the celebration of the Fair and Festival this year if a credit transfer was not performed.
The initial proposal of the PSOE was 30,000 euros for artistic performances programming Vico Theatre and 100,000 euros for local festivities.
A proposal for IU-Greens, eventually 10,000 euros of the latter amount to aid urgent need of Social Services which will go to the purchase of primary textbooks were used, so the figure for local festivals to end of year is 90,000 euros.
Remember that the new loan of 90,000 euros can not be spent exclusively on new celebrations.
This balance must also pay the debts incurred by the previous PP government, because they have spent more than they had budgeted.
Among other expenses among 1,000 euros and 5,000 euros fireworks collaboration with the parade of sardine output.
Explained that the 130,000 euros were subtracted from the game he had planned for the privatization of garbage, celebrating that nefarious scheme has not been carried out.
Finally they indicate that a similar proposal was made by IU-Greens in the amendments to the budget of 2015 to Jumilla, when they wanted to reduce by 25,000 euros the departure of celebrations to use them in support in textbooks of primary and secondary, but the Popular Party He refused.
Source: IU-verdes Jumilla