From the Department of Gardens, is going to start treating this season against the Red Palm Weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus), with which it is anticipated treat more than 300 palm trees in the village.
This is the first treatment that applies in the year, coinciding with the period of flight and dispersion of the insect, and repeated every 45 days, so that the second spraying will take place in July, then August and finally in September with which will terminate the treatment Weevil this season, after four sessions.
As stated by Councilman Gardens and Green Spaces, Juan Manuel Abellán, "the treatment is having good results and the plague at the moment is contralada, hoping that in future years is totally under control".
The first plague of Red Peak in Jumilla was detected 6 years in several nearby Red Cross headquarters in Jumilla copies.
Since then, since the area of ​​service and Parkland Gardens has been a comprehensive pest control file with various treatments and even surgery jobs affected individuals.
The purpose of these treatments is to eliminate the pest insect reproduction braking because the female is capable of laying 300 to 400 eggs.
Damage caused by such high population are so severe that they cause the death of the palm, as the larvae always remain within the palm, which are feeding, while adults are in charge of reproductive multiplication and colonization new copies as they have ability to maintain sustained flight of 4-5 Km.
Therefore, it is important to remind owners of private palm again, that the City has an inventory of palm is open and where they can register, thus facilitating the detection of pests through close monitoring, and with the municipal technical advice.
The Register shall be made at the Agricultural Technical Office located at the city of Jumilla, where he will attend and report thereon.
This is achieved update the census of palm trees to have them located and act in the future if it became necessary.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla