The Local Government today approved the budget record for credit generating more than 155,000 euros, the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Planning was effective for POS 2015, with which the streets will be rehabilitated Juan XXIII, Alfonso X El Sabio, Columbus and Antonio Machado.
So I explained this morning, the spokesman of the government team, Alicia Abellán in charge of accounting for the issues discussed today by the Local Government Board.
Thus, as mentioned above, the Board has approved the creation of credit in the items of income and expenses, so that already available from regional commitment to start projects.
Regarding this issue, the Board also remembered this morning, the start of the dossier for the first work to be done under the POS, which will be the street Juan XXIII, between Calle Canovas del Castillo and Avenida de Levante, and the opening of the award procedure, in which more than 65,400 euros will be invested.
According to the spokesman recalled, as it was approved by city, following the proceedings initiated in previous plans, this time, with funds from the POS 2015, will act on the streets Juan XXIII;
Alfonso X El Sabio, from Avenida de Levante, to Avenue of the Catholic Kings, to 50,347.63 euros;
and Calle Colón, from Avenida de Levante, to Ferdinand and Isabella, with an investment of 48,626.31 euros.
Furthermore, complementing the actions, from the municipal budget, Calle Antonio Machado was remodeled in its entirety, with 42,886.09 euros.
Among the other issues discussed today by the Board, the extension has been agreed in the contract management teams Municipal Issuer, for six months, until 15 October, 5,700 euros.
Furthermore, it has also authorized the extension of the concession contract since King West Don Pedro, for two more years, until April 18, 2017, with a fee of 5,000 euros a year.
In social policy, the Board has declared properly justified the three grants that are signed with social associations of Jumilla.
On the one hand, with Caritas, a grant of 10,000 euros, for programs serving families with difficulties, kindergarten service, solidarity wardrobe and meals to passersby.
Also has given justified also granted to Red Cross, 5,000 euros for programs of social integration of immigrants, intervention with elderly and dependent care for children and families with difficulties.
Finally also has adequately justified the grant AMFIJU, 20,000 euros for transport services adapted for people with mobility limitations and Service Home Care in districts, agreement by which, in total during 2014 were presented over 3,100 performances.
As indicated by Alicia Abellán, the three grants will be maintained in 2015 and further supplemented with the departure of more than 60,000 euros to finance social projects, which may also choose these three associations, presenting new projects for social purposes.
Moreover, the Board has cranked back the subsidy granted to the SEF Course local tourism promotion and information to visitors.
As explained spokeswoman at the same 21 people, of which only 10 were submitted to the test, and none passed the test of English proficiency required by the SEF to start this course were enrolled.
Tenders Committee
Within approved by the Procurement agreements, today has given justified reckless floor of the bid submitted by the company ACAL, serving external legal advice of the City of Jumilla.
Thus, once this all required documentation will be awarded this file.
Citizen Security Affairs
Moreover, the Councillor for Public Safety, Marina Garcia, explained to the media, some information disseminated by the socialist municipal group, which was put in between that, the fate of a package, as indicated by the Councillor, " was recepcionó to the Head of the Local Police, the Chief, Antonio Mula "Official.
In this sense he explained as the package contained several samples with the garments of uniformity, that the company was going to deliver the change Loca police uniforms, did reach the Department to test the quality of the garments.
So he qualified as, "the company has issued a receipt in which it is made clear, it is a common practice, and that all items shipped have already been returned, once chosen the model of the new uniform."
He also has branded these information "malicious and a clear purpose to do harm," and announced that it has already been made aware of the legal services of the City for considering whether to bring the corresponding legal action.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla