The Governing Council yesterday approved a proposal from the Ministry of Presidency and Employment Plan of Cooperation Works and Municipal Services for the annuity 2015, with a total budget of 5,012,747 euros, of which 155,253 euros will come to stop Jumilla, to remodel four major streets of the town.
The objective of this action is to improve the basic infrastructure of 41 municipalities in the region with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants.
Thus, the Plan includes a total of 55 actions that have been coordinated with the respective municipalities.
Most of these actions are aimed at making improvements in paving, and urban municipalities.
Improvements were also made in the water supply, street lighting and drainage, as well as municipal services, such as cemeteries, libraries, public parks or community centers.
Actions in Jumilla
Continuing with the proceedings initiated in previous plans, this time, with funds from the POS 2015, will act on the streets Juan XXIII, from Canovas to Avenida de Levante, in which a total of 65,455.16 euros will be invested;
Alfonso X El Sabio, from Avenida de Levante, to Avenue of the Catholic Kings, to 50,347.63 euros;
and Calle Colón, from Avenida de Levante, to Ferdinand and Isabella, with an investment of 48,626.31 euros.
Furthermore, complementing the actions, from the municipal budget, Calle Antonio Machado was remodeled in its entirety, with 42,886.09 euros.
Thus, Jumilla receive the sum of 155 253 euros, regional contribution to more than 52,000 euros local contribution will be added to complete the remodeling of this core set of streets.
Among the actions envisaged in these streets, paved sidewalks will be remodeled and will expand further benefits under the public part of Aguas de Jumilla, which should be reinvested in public infrastructure, it has already invested about 65,000 euros in renewal of sewerage and drinking water from the streets on which these activities will concentrate.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla