Councilman Services and Gardens, Juan Manuel Abellán, explained the latest actions taken in Woodland Avenue de Murcia, where they have removed many mulberry trees, in response to a report prepared by the Technical Service Gardens, where he picked up the need for this action.
According to the Councillor, two reports warning of the risk and the poor condition of the trees, which concluded that the symptoms of degradation trunk cavities produced by wood-eating insects and fungi wood and evil structure of these trees there is a risk of danger of tipping, so its logging is recommended to prevent possible damage to people and property.
In addition, the report of the Technical Service detailed as due to the structural condition of the tree and its health status exists uncertainty in the ability of these trees are able to maintain its structure without breaking and falling branches occur and even copy, either their own state or favored by winds, heavy rain or other inclement weather.
Another risk factor contained in the report is that all copies are inclined households, making it hard on the sidewalk, whichever sometimes passers down the road, to pass, with the risk involved since it is a track with lots of pedestrian traffic.
According to the Councillor, "always acts under the responsibility of ensuring safety, and in any case unreasonably".
He also remarked "like vegetable items are removed, most badly damaged, are reset in other areas of the municipality, where security is guaranteed, and where the viability of silver also, as in the case of Ronda de Poniente eg where a few months ago over 200 copies of mulberry and hackberry trees were planted. "
Moreover explained that the decision to fell a tree, not replant it depends on the state of it, and sprinkles "on the Square Alcoholera were eliminated items that have been replanted in other plant locations in the town, with which is not an arbitrary decision, if in good condition would have been saved, but in this case was not possible. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla