The Green Municipal Izquierda Unida-Group has filed 18 amendments with a total amount of more than 1,100.00 euros.
Qualifying amendments sensible and relevant.
Explained that most of the budget is fixed costs, such as staff, current spending and debt repayment, so that items are very concrete reduce.
The most important item that IU-Green proposes to amend refers to privatize garbage collection budgeted for year end.
After several failed PP to privatize this service, and numerous allegations to the project yet unanswered tries, regretted that the PP follow obsessed with the idea of ​​privatizing this service.
With the money saved by managing this service publicly propose to use 200,000 euros to improve the machinery.
IU-Green proposes once again the public management of various services, such as cleaning the pool and gardens.
They propose using money in the Municipal Accessibility Plan to subsidize the creation of jobs, increase solidarity departure transfers abroad and subsidies for sporting, cultural, environmental and craft groups.
Include proposals as lighting Avenue of the French and the creation of a special social fund to guarantee a minimum of drinking water to families in need.
Nor forget the bike path, which was proposed by IU-Greens and approved by the PP last year and half, but still performed without being budgeted.
Also present amendments which reduce spending on special bonuses and productivity to build a park and increase Biosalud heading in the reuse of books for primary and secondary.
Continue claiming theft equipment for power lines and construction of stormwater overflows in areas such as the Catholic Kings Avenue and around the Square Hat.
State that they expect very little of the Popular Party in Parliament next Tuesday as they lead the whole legislature without accepting a single amendment of any Municipal Group.
However, encouraging people to know the proposals of IU-Greens and explain that the development of the amendments is a pleasant job serving so that citizens can check as a better way to spend the money the council, which at last After all is to all.
Source: IU-verdes Jumilla