IU-Green is concerned since 2015 started even know nothing about municipal budgets for this year.
This has led to the extension of the previous year.
This situation is a reflection of the lack of foresight, lack of control and internal friction of the government team.
Expect the 2015 budget earmarked money for unemployed quality contracts, investments by small businesses in the locality and not to be a layer of makeup for the PP seems else next May thanks to the council of finance in a new version of "Alice in Wonderland".
They claim that budgets are the most economically important issue and that the municipality does not officially have not a thing about them.
In any budget deign as such should have guaranteed investment for the area with a 20% minimum otherwise have little chance of doing something effective for the people.
The above section devoted to that just 2%.
They add that budgets will be marked by the already approved regional, where Jumilla, a year has been relegated to positions of tail relative to per capita spending capita in all municipalities of Murcia and that remains non-existent items, among others, the second Health Center, the new College, arrangement Carche highway and track Colonization motorway between Jumilla with the sale of the Olive and etc.
Imagine that will make a commitment to raise subsidies for associations, we hope to include them all, not just the festive, as in the previous budget they forgot the character of culture, youth and sports, especially.
All in an attempt to disguise cuts suffered in previous years, facing elections this year.
Green believes IU Jumillano should not forget the past and remember only the 2015, since there are 24 municipal elections next May.
When we pass the draft budget will see if the macro privatization of garbage is confirmed by twenty-five years would mortgaged future jumillanas corporations.
So far remained unsolved hundreds of allegations made.
IU-Greens, says flatly that the numbers do not lie, governance is much cheaper than private management that aim to make further added that so far no case has received any reports to the contrary and it will continue making a defense of the public.
Finally ask to be given more time than last for study and contribution of amendments year, considering that are offered to all staff of the City Council. For weeks and they leave them a few days.
Source: IU-verdes Jumilla