The budget line of Local Celebrations wins three modifications upward so far of 2014, and has grown from the initial to a total of 123,488 euros, representing an increase of 137% 52,150 euros.
Socialist councilors denounced not only spending, which seems a lot, but the most striking of the Department of Celebration presided Antonio Valero, is that you will spend 40,000 euros in December this year without giving explanations for the socialist group in which it will spend, after having asked several times.
The initial forecast of 52,150 euros two transfers of 28,798 and 2,540 euros respectively in July and September were added.
Now with these 40,000 euros, is shown again, one thing is what the local government of PP and another is making.
Fewer services and costs, fewer jobs and more tax.
According to Sanchez, socialist city spokesman, "the mayor, and council of finance and celebrations demonstrate their lies and budget farce austerity talk and spend 137% more for celebrations taking other priority needs as social assistance, education and employment.
Finally, the Socialist group criticizes that so far this year, the PP has made 17 credit transfers for a total amount of 1.5 million euros, the last of 434,713 euros, demonstrating its failure spending forecast and the fall of the myth of economic management.
Source: PSOE Jumilla