From United Left-Greens deny the news of the municipal website of the City of Jumilla in erroneously reporting the reasons why trees have been removed from the garden.
IU-Green indicates that there was no security reason mentioned in the reports, and therefore the statement is false the municipal website.
Among the measures proposed is studying amendments to the ordinance to avoid works greenery in the gardens that involve deforestation, plus where possible take place in conditions that make transplantation feasible.
They criticize that it has not undertaken any measures to facilitate the transplantation of trees, and has been chosen directly by cutting all copies of maples garden and privet.
As in other indiscriminate elimination of vegetation, Izquierda Unida is dissatisfied for not trying to transplant the plant wealth of the garden to another location.
Indicate no pension plans or organization transplant plants and take action to announce that for measures to ensure the protection of these areas are implemented.
Say it was the appropriate times for transplantation, should only carry out these activities for safety reasons, not quickly perform works such as.
IU-Greens once again regrets the loss of trees in the town, and do not understand the mode of action of the Popular Party in such decisions, which show little interest they have for the environment.
Remember the statements Gardens Councilman Juan Manuel Abellan, in referring to a "restructuring of green zones" in the city and ask if the felled trees are part of your plan.
Source: IU-verdes Jumilla