IU-Greens disseminates information about the draft privatization of garbage so that all interested and concerned to consult freely.
They explain that they have taken this decision because on the website of the City of Jumilla has not released this information anywhere, and after publication in the BORM (Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia) for approval to submit information public the draft, citizens have a right to know this information and to exercise the arguments they deem appropriate within one month from the publication in the BORM.
The following files all information on the draft privatization of garbage that the Popular Party intends to implement in Jumilla, with a duration of 25 years and a cost of nearly 2,300,000 per year is.
IU-Greens reiterates its stand against, showing favors a much cheaper and more beneficial to the town effective governance.
Draft Operating and works:
Source: IU-verdes Jumilla