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The Harvest Festival of Jumilla crosses borders and unites with the Harvest Festival Curico in Chile (17/06/2014)

The mayor of Jumilla, Enrique Jimenez, and the president and vice president of the Federation of Peñas Harvest Festival of Jumilla, Francisco Javier Vazquez and Mark Lozano, announced this morning, the twinning Harvest Festival of Jumilla, with the Harvest Festival Curico, Chile, through which the popular culture of this jumillana party, the ocean rises and becomes international.

Within the requirements for further progress in the necessary procedures for the declaration of National Tourist Interest, earlier this year, the Federation of Peñas, got in touch with the Department of Cultural Promotion Curico to twin both Harvest Festival, starting from the important similarities they share.

La Fuente del Vino, Pisaores Competition, choice of grape pickers of honor, blessing of the first wort, or Cry of the Harvest are some of the acts that resemble both parties and that this partnership began.

This morning the mayor and the president of the Federation signed the twinning agreement, which will be sent to the town of Curico, for receiving cleared the bond between the two wine cities.

As a sign of twinning, and as you advance is the President of the Federation of Clubs, is provided, the Harvest Festival in Jumilla represent Spain at the holidays Curico, in March 2015.

As highlighted by the mayor, "it is important to continue processing the record of National Tourist Interest, thanks to the efforts and interest of the Federation, without which it would not be possible, position the jumillana party where it is today instrument. Moreover it is a significant boost, not only for the holidays, but for Jumilla all together, for tourism, and to promote our culture, taking as always came as our main supporter. "

Moreover, the mayor announced that soon will meet with Isabel Borrego, General Secretary of Tourism, in order to convey the need for progress in the processing of the Declaration of National Tourist Interest, and thus "benefit of Jumilla broadcast advantages offered by this recognition. "

For his part, Francisco Javier Vázquez, has stated that "this partnership adds to announced last week, with the Grape Harvest Festival of Requena, the oldest in Spain, with which Jumilla wide dissemination, and promote their parties Harvest throughout the national territory, and now international. "

28 Years of Harvest in Curico

At 200 meters above sea level, is the provincial capital Curico located in the Central Valley of Chile, with a population estimated at around 150,000.

Today's communications center, catering and commercial transactions in neighboring agribusiness, which is revealed in its attractive commercial center.

Very traditional is the Harvest Festival, grand celebration organized by the municipality with the most important wineries in the area.

Last summer air with autumn tints, give way in the city, the largest wine festival held since about the 50s in Curico.

However since 1986 is where there is a contribution to intercultural Spain at the hands of winemaker Miguel Torres.

This visionary entrepreneur makes wine an innovative proposal to the municipality, which is preserved to this day.

The last week of March, the smell of wine fills the air and is a sign that the process has begun vintage throughout the area.

This Festivities start to enjoy and offer musts Curico Valley.

Although from the late 80s that the activity has among its organizers to vineyard owner Miguel Torres, who gave a more international seal, 64 years ago Wine Corporation of Chile had already done a similar event, leaving as celebration headquarters to this city.

For 28 years the scene of the festival is the parade, showing the world the entire city, a tourist event that brings together thousands of people.

Every year, it pays homage to a particular country, thereby also producing a cultural approach with other continents, is the possibility of outsourcing the product.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla

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