The Councillor for Agriculture, Francisco Martínez Escandell, along with Eduardo Bean, Cheese RCDO member of Murcia, presented this morning at the Roque Baños Sociocultural Center, the activities to be undertaken in Jumilla to celebrate Cheese Week, which will take place from 24 to 28 March in the main growing cities of cheese in the Region.
Thus, Jumilla will be dedicated to the 27th of March, for which various activities are scheduled.
The day starts at 15.30 with a contest jumillanas empanadas, to which the participants have to incorporate them DO Murcia cheese.
At 1730 hours, Juan Antonio Pellicer, professor of the School of Hotel de Murcia, will offer a cooking show focused on the preparation of dishes using cheese as an additional ingredient.
Moreover, in collaboration with the Department of Education, is to make a drawing competition in schools of the municipality in which the school must embody some allusive reason to traditional cheese making in Murcia, Murcia goat , or the role of cheese as a staple food.
The same day 27 after the show cooking in Sociocultural Roque Baños Centre, is hosting the awards, both pies contest as children's drawing contest.
The municipalities of Murcia, Cartagena, Bullas, Calasparra, Caravaca de la Cruz, and Lorca, Jumilla addition, conducted during the week of cheese, lots of activities for promoting awareness of this rich cuisine in the region.
As highlighted by the Councillor for Agriculture, Francisco Martínez Escandell "Agriculture plays a major role within the municipality, with more than 50 families live cattle milk, and we also have in our town, two of the leading cheese companies of the region, so these activities are more than necessary for knowledge on this food and help promote and encourage its consumption. "
Meanwhile, Edward Bean, highlighted the role of promotion that has the Control Board, responsible for performing these activities in order to involve diverse stakeholders to encourage consumption.
"It's about keeping alive the milk producing tissue and cheeses, and also help better we know the products we have at home, in Murcia are very good and of high quality."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla