Premiered at Hocus Pocus Festival, this comedy magic show has already turned by country, and tomorrow at the Teatro Vico
"You think you're funny?" So called magic show last Javi Martin, who hit the Teatro Vico Wednesday at 19.00, and the proceeds will go to the Humane Jumilla 4 feet.
Javi Martin is a seemingly "normal" human being, who believes that everyone is weird.
During his show gives stamp of normality which, obviously, is not, so that people will believe the spectators it is rare.
Born communicator, equipped with a large dose of empathy and sympathy, Javi Martin knows connect with your audience, distract, amuse, amaze and make you believe that it is indeed a bit "weird".
With his show promises to involve the public, making it feel sensations that stimulate the senses delude create experiences that reason, demonstrate the illogical logic and defy physics, giving arguments to define their art and craft.
The show will start at 19:00, and tickets can be purchased at Say it with Roses Florist and through 4 feet, phone 625 98 76 62 and e-mail,
Also Wednesday, two hours before the start of the show, in front of the Teatro Vico.
Their prices will be 6 euros in armchair, 5 and 4 box stalls and in general.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla