The prestigious Andalusian painter, originally from Adra (Almería), accepting the invitation of the Templars of Jumilla, to support inmates involved in Project Phoenix Prisoners of Fine Arts and Crafts Edition 2013, an event that 5 to 24 September will be played at the Sociocultural Area Regional Correctional Center Murcia II in Campos del Río, which has presented over fifty works representing twenty prisons Spanish territory, the painter brings one of his best works, the oil painting titled "The pain of the world" which says: "express in my work I am everything within my level of consciousness."
Charo Sánchez assists in training and advisory work painting, altruistically, in the prison of Acebuche (Almería).
The theater adds oil work "Botero musicians", the painter amabilis.
Source: Templarios de Jumilla