The Department of Services, Parks and Gardens, because of the strong winds that hit our town, parks and gardens have closed because of the danger exists that some trees and branches falling off.
This morning, the very services Councillor accompanied by technical and service personnel and gardens, have proceeded to cut and remove a tree in the Garden of King
Pedro I had the strong wind uprooted, without causing injury, although materials.
In the fall, the tree has left a metal tower and antenna has turned the garden kiosk, damaging part of the fence that protects the underground containers.
Another tree, smaller, has broken into the same garden, but without causing damage.
In the Paseo Poeta Lorenzo Guardiola, on the side, also dropped two smaller trees without apparent damage.
Local Police after warning neighbors, proceeded to visit other municipal facilities, according to the notice, might have been damaged by the wind.
As of this afternoon, it is expected that the wind abates, meanwhile please the neighbors who will go outside to use caution and follow some tips to prevent further damage.
Recommended: citizens are reminded to use caution when driving.
Do not go if you do not need.
No wind protected with walls, walls, fences or trees, because of the danger of partial or total collapse of the same.
Transite streets with caution, especially on narrow roads with old buildings or under construction, with the danger of detachment from ledges, tiles and other items.
Stay away from old houses or in disrepair, the trees offer the danger of falling and breaking large branches.
Do not pass by parks and tree-lined avenues.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla