On February 15 at 19:30 pm in the School of Music of Murcia, is hosting the awards ceremony of the "V Awards Building Quality of the Region of Murcia", by the Ministry of Works Public and Regional Planning.
As stated by the Director General of Planning and Housing of the Ministry of Public Works and Planning, Yolanda Muñoz "These awards aim to highlight the importance that today the concept of quality of our buildings, further recognizing the work of both professionals and users, who have managed to maintain over time the dignity of the buildings that are rewarded for quality implicit "
This edition has been awarded an Honorable Mention in the "Building of tourist" to the Old Palace Council of Jumilla "
Also in the category 'residential Buildings', has won award modernist housing Canovas del Castillo Street Jumilla.
In this edition Jumilla gets two awards that highlight the rich architectural heritage with which our town, which began to be recognized at the regional and national, which also speaks of feeling that governments and citizens have when to conserve and rehabilitate their buildings, thereby contributing to the conservation of the Historic Artistic Jumilla.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla