First thing this morning we have proceeded to cut the Liberty Avenue, by the fall of an aluminum panel of the court building, located in the avenue.
The Chief of Police, accompanied by a municipal, removed another panel was loose.
The Liberty Avenue will cut both the traffic and the pedestrian traffic, as long as no cessation of strong gusts of wind, and to ensure, by the municipal technical services, there is no danger to transit it.
The cut extends from the street Avenida Juan XXIII to Juan Ramón Jiménez, at its intersection with Liberty Avenue.
The enable input to enter the court, is the side door on Calle Juan XXIII, next to Centro Sociocultural Roque Banos.
The Service Department is also proceeding at end of Nuevo Pueblo Gardens, King D.
Pedro I, and Frogs Garden Garden Gazebo, a precaution that the branches of the trees can be overturned by the wind.
It is important to remind citizens that the Altiplano is now on yellow alert for strong wind gusts that could reach 70 miles per hour, as reported by the Meteorological Agency, warning that remain from 12 noon to 20 pm today.
Recommended: citizens are reminded to use caution when driving.
Do not go if you do not need.
No wind protected with walls, walls, fences or trees, because of the danger of partial or total collapse of the same.
Transite streets with caution, especially on narrow roads with old buildings or under construction, with the danger of detachment from ledges, tiles and other items.
Stay away from old houses or in disrepair, trees offer the danger of falling and breaking large branches.
Do not pass by parks and tree-lined avenues.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla