The culture department of the municipality of Jumilla and IES Arzobispo Lozano have organized a commemoration of 400 anniversary of Archbishop Juan Lozano.
Held from 3 to December 15 and consist of an exhibition and lecture series.
The exhibition is entitled "The Archbishop Lozano: their time, their space" and will be opened on December 3 at 19:30 in the exhibition hall of the CAM.
Was conducted by students of Social Sciences and Fine Arts of IES Arzobispo Lozano and can be seen until 15 December at 17:00 hours to 20:00 hours.
It has also been organized on the occasion of this anniversary, a cycle of conferences.
Begins December 10 at 20:00 hours, the degree in Medieval History Alfonso Antolí speak of 'Hispanic monarchy in the seventeenth century. "
Then, the official chronicler Antonio Verdú Jumilla give a talk on 'The Archbishop Lozano: notes for a biography' and then there will be a performance of the Group 'Second Hand' and music students 3, 4 and 1 High School , entitled "Renaissance and Baroque musical themes."
On 15 December at 19:00, will be the presentation of ARCH magazine No. 5, prepared by the Department of Art at the Institute.
Be submitted by the member of the Real Academia Alfonso X El Sabio Manuel Gea.
After the canon of Santa Iglesia Catedral de Murcia José María Lozano will lecture on 'The Archbishop Lozano and culture. "
These activities will take place in the CAM.
The events will end after the talk, with the end in front of the IES Arzobispo Lozano and the inauguration of the set of decorative glass center tower and interior lighting.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla