The socialist municipal group has filed a motion asking the CCAA equal treatment for all teams in the region who are active in Second Division B, including the Jumilla CF also ask the same equality to the Regional Television Channel 7.
In the text of the motion, which will be addressed in the next plenary session, they argue that "the football team Jumilla CF., Is racing season 2010 / 2011 in the Division II national category B, like the Real Murcia other teams in the region. Having learned that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Autonomous Communities in the Region of Murcia Real Murcia has granted more than 80,000 euros to insert in his shirt the logo "No typical" and has excluded the other teams, is why we present this initiative. "
Thus, the motion will ask the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Autonomous Regions equal treatment for all teams in the region who belong to the national category B Division 2, subsidized by the same amounts and with the same rights.
And request the regional TV channel 7 in the same way for all teams in the region who belong to the national category B Division 2, with the same television rights, retransmissions and financial allocations that may be applicable.
Finally, it shall issue the resolutions adopted at the parliamentary groups of the Regional Assembly and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla