Among the activities marking the 25 anniversary of the People's University "Ana Thomas Smith, 15 next Monday, at 20:00 opens an exhibition entitled" The Useful Plants. "
In the sample include all plants that have or have had a utility in the daily life of humanity, such as vegetables, fiber, herbal, and medicinal plants.
The large sample of these useful plants, amazes the visitor once he appreciates the many plants that mankind has used throughout his life.
Will be presented in the exhibition hall of the CAM and is open until 26 November.
The exhibition was created and staged by the People's University of Albacete, and its display in Jumilla, is the result of a collaboration between UU PP, on the occasion of 25 anniversary of the People's University of Jumilla.
The activities of November this fall under the banner of "People's University and Nature" and supplemented with a lecture on "Useful Plants" which will give the professor of Botany at Albacete, Jose Fajardo, an expert on the flora and fauna Jumilla.
The conference will be the 26th November at the Social Cultural Center "Roque Baños", at 20:00 hours.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla