Following the reassignment of former Civil Guard Lieutenant Francisco Gómez Domínguez, Jumilla has already reached the person who will take his place.
This is Manuel Ciudad Frade and comes from Badajoz.
Last week was received by Mayor Francisco Abellán and Public Safety Councilman Primitivo Gonzalez, with whom he had a meeting.
They were accompanied by the captain of the Civil Guard Company of Cieza and the Civil Guard sergeant from Jumilla.
The mayor has stated that "the impression he has given me new lieutenant is very good, is a young person is seen responsible and with a desire to work for the Safety of a very particular way."
Francisco Abellán added that "I think it will be well received by the city, is an active, hardworking and very willing to take forward the work of the Headquarters of Jumilla.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla