The transfer of the Urban Waste Transfer Station of Jumilla to the Solid Waste Consortium of the Region of Murcia, approved unanimously in plenary last Monday, will save 72,000 euros a year to the City of Jumilla, by not having to transport the waste to the Ulea landfill.
The infrastructure, located on the site of the old waste treatment plant in Jumilla, will reduce the volume of waste collected and transport it in specific vehicles to public treatment plants for proper management.
The plant incorporates a metal cover for the reduction of leachates.
The transfer station also has a scale to control the entry and exit of managed waste.
The Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment has made a total investment of 1,258,000 euros, financed with Cohesion Funds, which come from the European Union.
The City of Jumilla provided the power line and transformer plant, as well as the execution works of a containment jetty in front of the esplanade of the loading and unloading maneuver area with an investment of almost 40,000 euros.
The transfer of the Transfer Plant by the City of Jumilla to the Solid Waste Consortium has been carried out for a period of five years "since the City Council does not have the means to manage it", said the Councilor for the Environment, Juan Gil.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla