The director general of Local Administration, Manuel Durán, reported today at his meeting with the Mayor of Jumilla, Juana Guardiola, that the Community will invest 232,000 euros of the Cooperation Plan for Works and Services 2017 in the renovation and improvement of infrastructure Services in the municipality, concretely in the streets Goya, Fueros, Valencia and Avenue of the Casón.
This plan is intended for the 41 municipalities of the Region of less than 50,000 inhabitants and provides for an overall investment of 7.8 million euros, six of which are contributed by the Community, which is 20% more than the previous year .
It will subsidize 65 actions, mainly of paving, renovation of public lighting, works in public parks, water supply and sewage, reforms in cultural facilities, social centers, markets and supply stores, and civil protection services.
The actions carried out in this plan have been submitted to the citizen participation in each of the municipalities and has counted on the collaboration of the municipalities, who have requested the works through the corresponding local agreements and the elaboration of technical projects.
Source: CARM