Jumilla will host on June 30 and July 1 the technology event 'Compete and share', which will gather in the market of various video game consoles exclusive to Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo with the aim of entertaining the youngest public in the municipality.
The activity was presented this morning by the Councilor for Youth and Sports, Juan Manuel Garcia, and the organizer of the event Marvi García.
Different championships will be organized in which the most popular video games of today will be protagonists.
Participation in 'Compete and share' is free and it is enough to register the day of the competition or sending name, surname and phone to the email logrodesbloqueado@gmail.com, through whatsapp at 625 355 717 or at the Department of Youth ( Plaza del Rey Don Pedro, 9).
Tournaments will be played both days from 5 pm to 10 pm and will also be available for mobile devices or tablets.
The ages at which the event is intended range from 8 to 35 years.
There will be monitors that will control that the chosen games are suitable for each age, since it will prevent the participation of the minors in games of type war.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla