The summer ludotecas organized during the month of July by the Department of Social Policy within the Municipal Plan for the Prevention of Drug Addiction have opened the registration deadline this week.
It will be possible to take part children from 4 to 12 years old who will have to make their reservation of place in the General Register of Jumilla City Hall with deadline on Tuesday June 20.
The playtime is from 10 to 13 hours from Monday to Friday from 3 to 28 July and costs 30.20 euros.
The registration booklet can be downloaded from the municipal website or collected at the Social Services Center, where the list of admitted will be published on June 28.
This year, the places where it will take place have been expanded, with the Miguel Hernández, Príncipe Felipe and Nuestra Señora de la Asunción colleges as well as the premises of the old colleges of La Alquería, Fuente del Pino and the Ermita social center Third District.
Family units in which all the members are unemployed or receive pensions lower than the minimum wage will be exempt from payment, upon request.
There is a 10% bonus for large families of general category, 20% for special category and 30% for students with disabilities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla