Two students of the Integrated Center of Training and Experiences of Agriculture (CIFEA) of Jumilla, Juan Antonio Martínez Quílez, of the training course of Middle Degree 'Oils of olive and wines' and Esmeraldo Guardiola Mira, of the training cycle of Superior Degree 'Vitivinicultura', have Were awarded the Extraordinary Prize for Vocational Training 2015-2016, whose delivery took place this week in Murcia by the Ministry of Education and Universities.
According to established regulations, in order to qualify for these prizes, one must have completed and passed a training cycle of the catalogs of current titles of Vocational Training and have obtained a final grade equal or higher than 8.5 points.
The event was attended by authorities, directors and teachers of the Vocational Training centers, the award-winning students and family and friends of the winners.
The Director General of Agro-Food Innovation, Juana Mulero, valued the work done by these two students of the CIFEA of Jumilla and wished them a good professional future.
Source: CARM