From the Municipal Group of IU-Greens consider that the situation in which the Municipal Budgets have been approved for 2017 has been a real penalty.
The votes have been marked by the absence of the councilman of IU-Greens Benito Santos, not being able to attend the Plenary due to health reasons, when he was ill.
Due to this circumstance, the PSOE has taken advantage of to impose its vote in several amendments and in the own budget, thanks to the vote of quality of the Mayor.
IU-Greens has voted against the approval of the budgets because the PSOE has not allowed to include in the budget the ideas and improvements of this Municipal Group.
They qualify budgets approved as continuistas, being very similar to last year.
They argue that the same shortcomings are repeated, with less expense and very little investment.
The investments are left at the expense of extra-budgetary financially sustainable funds, in which IU-Greens will make a proposal on the needs that they consider necessary for Jumilla.
They also regret that there is not an increase in the items related to public services.
They remember that this increase was one of the basic pillars of the electoral program of the PSOE, but they are not fulfilling their promise, despite achieving many of the votes that provided the mayor with this proposal.
They contradict the statements of Councilman Alfonso Pulido, as they indicate that there are no items dedicated to quality public employment, in addition to continuing privatizations.
They explain that with the amendments of the United Left-Greens they wanted to solve these shortcomings, in addition to strengthening spending on social policy, education and culture, at the cost of eliminating items that were considered unnecessary or unjustifiably high.
In addition, they were aimed at gradually reducing outsourcing.
They add that they have supported several amendments of the PP, apparently coherent, but the PSOE has used its advantage to not give option to the rest of Municipal Groups.
With respect to subsidies to associations, sports clubs and other groups, clarify that the position of IU-Greens is to grant them by competitive competition, creating a specific budget line for this purpose and open the money through bases and scales, and Not with direct items in the Budget.
They believe that the current situation causes injustice, leaving groups with no subsidy or with less than they really deserve or need.
For IU-Greens, the Municipal Government is lagging behind in important issues and related to its electoral promises.
They believe that they must work and espabilar in many aspects, such as participatory budgets.
They hope that this year they receive a greater amount of money that can be allocated to what the neighbors of Jumilla believe are good ideas.
Source: IU-verdes Jumilla