An exhibition and two conferences will bring to Jumilla in the coming days the best rock art of the Iberian Peninsula.
On Wednesday, February 1, at 8:00 p.m., an exhibition of life-size reproductions of the best and most spectacular representations of Prehistoric Rock Art will be inaugurated in the audio-visual room of the Archeology section of the Jerónimo Molina Municipal Museum, Among them some representations of Jumilla.
The author of the works is the artist Juan López del Toro, who has a long history as a draftsman of prehistoric rock art, in whose works he takes care of even the tone of the colors and makes perfect reproductions of the rock motifs.
The exhibition has the title of "Life in the Prehistory: Thought and forms of expression".
It can be visited until February 28, in the same hours of visit as the museum: from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 14 hours and in the afternoon from 17 to 20 hours.
Sundays and holidays from 11 to 14 hours.
The next day, February 2, at the Cultural Hall of CajaMurcia (C / Steps 2) at 20.00 hours the doctor in Archeology, Ramon Viñas Vallverdú, will give a lecture on 'The Rock Art, a heritage of all'.
Dr. Viñas is today the best specialist in the interpretation of Prehistoric Rock Art, because as an archaeologist joins his training as an anthropologist, which will allow him to give an interpretive approach.
In addition, he studies the ideographic communication of the manifestations of Prehistoric Rock Art.
Another conference on the subject is scheduled on 24 February at the same time and place.
In this case will be in charge of the doctor in Archeology, Juan Francisco Jordán Montés, with the title 'Hunters of the 7,000 BC and its myths'.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla