Jumilla will be one of the headquarters of the Conference 'An Education for the 21st Century' organized by retired teachers belonging to the unions Sterm and Comisiones Obreras and are linked to the University of Murcia.
The events have been presented by the mayor of Jumilla, Juana Guardiola, the councilor of culture, Pilar Martinez, accompanied by teachers Jose Escamez, Mariano De Pedro, Alonso Palacios and Benito Santos, who offered all the details.
It consists of the realization of different conferences and educational activities, which in the case of Jumilla will be held at the Roque Baños Cultural Center, Auditorium of the Conservatory of Music and Vico Theater from January 24 to March 17.
This is the third year in which these days are held, arriving for the first time in Jumilla.
The objective, as noted, is "to bring to light the current problems facing society and education, through culture and the arts, which seek to give voice to this series of problems or debates."
The activities in Jumilla are the following and all have free access:
Tuesday, January 24
La Chana Theater
"Between Floods"
8:00 p.m.
Vico Theater
Wednesday 25th of January.
Success counter.
Jose Luis Gutiérrez "Guti"
Time and Place: Pending to confirm.
Thursday, January 26
Recital Pictorial Musical: Leticia Ruifernández, Patxi Zubizarreta and Manuel Montiel.
"The flight of the Stork, when we are them".
8:00 p.m.
Hall of Acts Professional Conservatory of Music.
Wednesday, February 15
Teacher: Salvador Martínez Pérez.
"Why do I remember what I do not want and forget what I do want to remember? What if I forget everything?
8:00 p.m.
Roque Baños Cultural Center.
Monday, February 20
Teacher: Antonio Viñao.
"Is an education pact possible today?"
8:00 p.m.
Roque Baños Cultural Center.
Friday March 3
Cantata del Pernales
Texts and Narration: Alonso Palacios.
Cantaor: Manolo Cano.
Guitar: Blas Alfonso Martínez.
8:00 p.m.
Teatro Vico.
Friday, March 17
Tribute to Javier Krahe
Narra y sings: Vicente Palao.
Guitar: Eduardo Piqueras.
8:00 p.m.
Professional Music Conservatory Auditorium
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla