The City Council of Jumilla has begun the works of the replacement of asphaltic pavement of different stretches of public roads of the locality.
The performances have begun the Sagasta street, in the section between the streets Rambleta and Canónigo Lozano.
Also will be resurfaced the street Infante Don Fadrique, in front of the College Our Lady of the Assumption, Martín Guardiola street, in the corner with Cánovas, the street Cruz de Piedra High, from the corner of Plaza Juan Paco Baeza until avenue of Yecla, the Hernando de Nuño, in the crossings with Echegaray, Lope de Vega, Jacinto Benavente, Avenue de la Esperanza and San José, as well as in the sections between Luis de Góngora and Avenida de la Esperanza, between Ortega y Gasset and Jesús Sánchez Carrillo and Between Zorrilla and Eliseo Guardiola.
The amount of works has budgeted at 74,043.57 euros and will be charged to the remaining Treasury. The execution time is approximately one month.
During the works these streets will be closed to traffic.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla