Alicia Abellán, a spokeswoman for the PP's Municipal Group, accompanied by all the Councilors of the Group, except Enrique Jiménez, who for family reasons could not attend, offered a press conference yesterday stating that "in 2016, the first year Of the current legislature with the current government, it has been shown again the lack of project of the current government team for the municipality of Jumilla, an improvised management on a permanent basis and based on the unforeseen and continuous muds of everything The local government team. "
The year 2016 leaves us a sad balance, many municipal public services that have been deteriorated.
Public services that have been reduced as the General Registry and Single Window, basic services to be the ones that have the most demand, throughout 2016 have been even closed, reduced schedules, with total unpredictability and without prior notice.
The Municipal Consumer Information Office has been closed, reopened on a very limited schedule.
There has not been this year the help service to fill the income that was launched, the first time, in the previous term, have not been granted this year grants to the IBI to large families and people in unemployment, Pensioners.
Delays in the payment of child education scholarships, which were paid already advanced in 2016, a delay that we have also seen in 2016. The delay also in bonobus scholarships left many students unable to benefit from these scholarships.
The year 2016, if there is something that has characterized it, is probably the proliferation of containers, put like a lottery, put on one site, appear on another, change their location, change for others, take all year Asking about what are the criteria established for their placement and above all requiring common sense when placing them to avoid situations such as those that are occurring, containers in pedestrian crossings, doors of private homes, commercial and tourist establishments, Removing parking spaces, in street crossings, in short, a kind of container placement that nothing has improved, we understand, in the management of waste.
Also the Municipal Radio, Radio Jumilla, has been closed for days this year due to lack of foresight and lack of capacity in management.
The cleanliness of the streets is undoubtedly another pending issue, the streets are dirty and especially some neighborhoods like San Antón and San Juan, we continue to claim that Jumilla deserves to be cleaner.
And speaking of cleanliness is also surprising, for example, that in the previous legislature will remember that we managed a contract to clean public buildings, the winning company turned out to be the one that was, a company outside the municipality of Jumilla, that fact was used, for Who contributed to Juana Guardiola being mayor today, in a bad way, because today the socialist government team extends this cleaning contract, leaving even Jumilla companies that cleaned municipal buildings.
In economic and personnel matters they can not boast much.
More than 40 repairs of the Municipal Intervention, without Municipal Budget for the second consecutive year, the second chance they had to lose it again, today January 10 still have no municipal budget, no longer approved but not even submitted the draft to the Groups Municipal or at least the Municipal Group of the PP.
Also the Council of Personnel who was in such a hurry to prepare and approve the List of Jobs, the TPN, to put order to the management of personnel, because without a doubt, the meetings were suspended without prior notice for that TPN and nothing is known Of that document to date.
Those who called themselves advocates of public employment have cut back more than one million euros in public employment.
The sports groups of the town have been up to the last day of the year without the municipal subsidy, causing the damages that we can all warn.
And then, to finish the year, apart from the Cabalgata de Reyes, the year ends with the theme of hunters in the municipality of Jumilla, have left unable to hunt more than 200 hunters in our mountains and also, the City of Jumilla has lost 30,000 euros that should have entered the municipal coffers last year 2016.
This is only a few examples of what has happened in 2016, but there are more, there are some data that also surprise, for example taking the municipal budget account 2016, for example: we are very surprised that having a party directly dependent on the Mayor of 5,000 euros to promote the Jumilla Wine Route has not spent a single euro of these 5,000, it is also surprising that the person in charge of the San Agustín Chapel has not been paid the 850 euros Annually, for the expenses it may incur.
It is surprising that the Group of Volunteers of Civil Protection could not benefit from a single euro of the 7,000 that had budgeted for 2016. In Education, and regrettably surprised the previous year, not exhausting the item for the works of schools Public of the municipality, because in 2016 also of the item of 30,000 euros repair and maintenance of Centers have only spent 6,600 euros leaving, therefore, more than 23,300 euros without spending in schools.
Likewise, the investment in schools budgeted at 10,000 euros have only spent 4,350, which means that out of the 40,000 euros budgeted for works in public schools in the municipality have left without spending almost 30,000 euros, without allocating it to schools, That as I say, and as I say again, so much lack makes them.
It is also surprising in educational matters that the main novelty of which the government team spoke when presenting the budgets of 2016, one of those main novelties was that the AMPAS were going to count, with subsidies in 2016, 15,000 euros budgeted, zero granted.
In the bonobús scholarships, of the game of 45,000 euros of bonobús scholarships, only 19,000 euros have been paid.
On the contrary, Festejos surprised that it had an initial budget 80,000 euros for the local festivals, expanded with 55,000 euros more, 138,000 euros was the definitive game in which remained celebrations.
With regard to subsidies, we also have to regret that one of the Popular Group amendments will remember that it was to grant a subsidy of 1,000 euros to the four bands of bugles and drums of the municipality of Jumilla: Los Armaos, Ecce-Homo, Las Lamentaciones y Cristo Of Misericordia, 1,000 euros each, since they have been without subsidy, none of these four subsidies have been granted for bands of bugles and drums, but it is that the associations of neighbors have also been without subsidy, having a € 7,000, not a single euro has been awarded.
Also ACRIMUR 10,000 euros in the budget, zero euros awarded to Acrimur.
Also the same Councilor, in this case as Delegate of Employment, the prizes of business ideas, a grant endowed with 5,000 euros, because zero euros also awarded.
Regarding Tourism, if we add the 5,000 euros of promotion of the Wine Route that has not been executed not a single euro, as it is surprising also such items as the promotion of craftsmanship 2,000 euros, not one spent euro, 3,000 euros destined to trade fairs Tourism, not a single euro spent or the 4,000 euros budgeted for tourism activities in the Castle, not a single spent euro, or 6,000 euros to have made, for example, new tourist guides, updated, as 6,000 euros staying in The paper without spending even a single euro.
Also in Sports, apart from granting subsidies to sports groups at the last moment of the year have also left unassisted sports school-age aid, 11,000 euros without spending and the Olympic summer pool, ending 2016 without being awarded The work and therefore with those 600,000 euros in the budget without having been granted.
It is also surprising that the Councilor for Volunteering and NGO's, had a budget of 20,000 euros, not a single euro has spent, here of course, the only money that has been earmarked for Cooperation and Volunteering has been to pay the salary to the Concejala, because of the 2,000 euros planned for days of dissemination there is nothing spent, of the 4,000 euros earmarked for a Municipal Volunteering Program has not spent even a single euro, out of the 5,000 euros provided for grants of Cooperation and NGOs Not a single euro has been spent and of the 9,000 euros planned for international projects, not a single euro has been spent, nor has a single euro been spent on the actions of Breast Cancer Day.
On the contrary, what we have done since the Municipal Group of the PP, in summary, more than 50 initiatives presented in 2016, around 15 to 2016 tax regulations, mainly aimed at lowering taxes to all citizens, voted in Against also by the PSOE as it usually happens and another fundamental line of those amendments to favor that Jumilla be attractive for companies and for industries so that we can generate employment.
This year and a half of the legislature is undoubtedly being lost among other things, for this reason, for not taking advantage of the economic situation at the national level, the economic recovery at the national level, at the regional level as the City of Jumilla was able to To take fiscal measures that contribute to encourage the generation of employment, to the opening of new companies in our municipality and therefore to the generation of employment for Jumillans and Jumillans.
Also about 20 amendments to the 2016 Municipal Budgets we have already seen for example the bands of horns, the proposed subsidy in one of these amendments, because it was finally approved, but has not been implemented and bands of bugles and drums Of the municipality have been without that subsidy of 1.000 euros each one of them.
Also a total of 15 motions registered in the last year.
Source: PP Jumilla