The jury of the Hypnos 2016 Awards, composed of Carmen Guardiola Vicente, Tania Martínez Terol, Bartolomé Medina Abellán, Carlos Guirao Rico and Francisca Ruiz Martínez and presided over by the mayor, Juana Guardiola Verdú, met on Tuesday evening to designate the winners of This edition, acting as secretary the head of the area of ​​Culture, Andrés Martínez.
After studying the proposals that were presented, the winners are as follows:
-Labor Sport: Coimbra Chess Club
-Dedication to Culture: CEIP Miguel Hernández
-Development Business: Jumsal
-Jumilla Ambassador: John Walker and Sue McGinlay
-Igualdad: Antonia García Guardiola
-Defense of Human Values: Pascual López Sánchez
-Mention Special (posthumously): Hilario Simón Fernández
The delivery gala will be held on Sunday, December 18 at 12 noon at the Teatro Vico.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla