From the Municipal Group United Left-Greens show their agreement in the beginning of the process to carry out a participatory budgeting in the town of Jumilla.
Remember that a year ago, presented this initiative through a motion in Parliament.
The proposal IU-Greens had the support of other municipal groups, and finally a year later starts.
Regret that although the initial proposal of participatory budgets of IU-Greens, the PSOE has not contacted during the preparation process to consult or discuss any question about it.
They said they have been informed only once the amounts and dates were established, thus avoiding the possibility of making proposals.
They declare that the amount of money spent on participatory budgeting is extremely low, so they posed an increase thereof.
100,000 euros fail to exceed 0.5% of the budget in force of Jumilla, amounting to more than 20.4 million euros.
With regard to investments, this year amounted to 1.8 million euros, so following comparative results in 5.5% of them.
They also express their dissatisfaction by economic restrictions imposed on the proposals of citizenship, 25,000 euros for proposals the village and 8,300 for the districts.
They expect the process to be flexible to make improvements to the process and proposals, as already announced to increase the amount of money.
As an example, they say that in other smaller and less budget Jumilla municipalities, the amounts allocated to this initiative were around 50% of the investment chapter, reaching higher grant amounts to 500,000 euros.
Underline the view IU-Greens, showing supporters to participation and decision sectoral councils for budgeting.
These tips encompass groups and associations, so decide on expenditure in related areas.
This would be an expansion of participation, as each group could decide on expenditure in the related area.
They encourage citizens to attend and participate in the various stages of the process, and rely on good development.
Finally, the Municipal Group of IU-Greens expresses its intention to collaborate as much as possible to improve and strengthen the system of citizen participation in town.
Source: IU-verdes Jumilla