Severa Gonzalez: "It is time to strengthen ideas, define lines of work to develop over the coming years and to meet our responsibilities"
Deputy Secretary of Organization regional PP, Fernando Lopez Miras, said after the Congress of the PP in Jumilla held this morning has seen a PP in this "strong, participatory, and very excited" municipality.
The success of this, added "got Severa Gonzalez" the newly elected president of the PP of Jumilla, and has been wrapped by the nomination to Congress, members of the regional government and people from different municipalities in the region.
Lopez Miras recalled that have always done things the PP of Jumilla well, but today "has started well, what makes we face with optimism the elections of 26 J, which will be the start to win the mayorship in 2019 ".
"The PP of Jumilla is a strong party formed by an excited, united and prepared and with a president who has proven to be at the height of the circumstances each time has been given an opportunity to face all challenges successfully team," underlined.
In this regard he said he was convinced that the choice made by the militants of the PP of Jumilla this morning "has been successful and will face this challenge with a result that may be nothing more than the win, success
and victory in all electoral events to which the PP of Jumilla "is present.
The newly elected president of the PP of Jumilla, Severa Gonzalez said that "it is time to strengthen ideas, to define lines of work to develop over the coming years and to meet our responsibilities."
It has said it will do with the whole team of people they own, and they will "stepping on the street and working closely with all groups of Jumilla, listening to their consensus management with all residents of the municipality" .
Gonzalez has stated that "within three years the aim of jumillanos see the PP as an ally and as the only party that defends its interests both locally and regionally and nationally arises"
Severa Gonzalez believes that the PP is "a focused and center party seeking common projects and defends freedom of people".
It has also been worth the political objective of PP which aims to "achieve progress, economic and social, to ensure the greatest good for the citizens."
Gonzalez has said that the policy goes through a difficult time but, "we must believe in it and the PP and defend it."
"We must all make politics normal, which is nothing but defend your ideas -under the prism of democracy defendiendoy maintaining the commitment, in our case, with the residents of Jumilla," he asserted.
Severa Gonzalez concluded with words of thanks to all who have trusted him to preside over what she called "great family of PP of Jumilla" and has urged make the city increasingly large "with effort and tenacity".
Source: PP Región de Murcia