The Board of Governors approved the start of record for loan application 700,000 euros for seven years for the construction of the new Olympic glass of the Municipal Pool La Hoya and buying a new garbage truck.
Also it goes ahead the project for the contract of the construction works of the named pool.
Also it has approved the contract specifications of socio-educational Center Child Care services.
administrative and technical specifications to return to licitarlo a two-year contract with possible extension of a third party at a cost of 119,966.20 euros was approved.
Moreover, an amount of 58,209.20 euros for the purchase of containers, the best offer presented, of which at least 25 of them will have to be 700 liters and the remaining 1,100 liters award will go.
In settlement of obligations 204,147.59 euros have been approved for payment to suppliers.
In justification subsidies corresponding to 2015 Anfiju (10,000 euros) and the Red Cross (6811.43 euros) they were presented.
It was agreed to further amend Article 6.3 the Strategic Plan Grant 2016, by which the awards presentation to the Department of Culture summons to persons who are not of Jumilla is open.
Finally spending the amount of maintenance software used by surveyors with an amount of 393.95 euros, as well as drafting the museum project of the Wine Museum for 60,900 euros was approved in urgent matters.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Jumilla