IU-Green Jumilla is dissatisfied with the latest agreement between the European Union and Turkey, which are allowed to expel refugees although they ask for protection or asylum on European soil.
Izquierda Unida announce file a criminal complaint against the acting Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, and the other members of the Cabinet, by initialling of this agreement crimes denial of relief and inhuman and degrading treatment.
Explained that the agreement violates numerous human rights treaties such as the Geneva Convention for Refugees, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the European Social Charter, the European Convention on Human Rights Treaties of the European Union themselves, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and even the constitutions of the Member States.
Warned that the signing of this agreement threatens the lives of millions of people and that clearly violates international law.
Indicate that the European Union has a historic responsibility, being member states allied with the US invaders from many countries where there are conflicts such as Afghanistan, Libya or Iraq now.
Besides their economic policies that have impoverished many countries.
Support gesture of solidarity from other cities in which, on a proposal from Izquierda Unida, have been removed the flags of the European Union as a gesture of protest against these measures and in solidarity with refugees.
Finally, remember that in Jumilla was approved a joint motion last September to implement policies to aid refugees, but have not been fulfilled agreements.
The Plenary approved creating a working group between social services, CEAR and the Red Cross and prepare a list of possible host sites, but these measures have not been made.
From United Left-Greens denounce this situation and ask once again that the plenary agreements are met, especially in these cases where all actions taken are insufficient, as is the case with the refugee crisis.
Source: IU-verdes Jumilla